Gamified platform on AMR guidelines and best practices​​

  • Helped a global pharmaceuticals manufacturer spread awareness about AMR and carry out virtual education of thousands of HCPs easily and measure the efficacy of these efforts.

Business problem

A leading, global pharma company wanted to spread awareness and education and position itself as a leader in the field of AMR. The challenges at hand were: ​

  • Educating doctors and nurses on AMR guidelines, AMR stewardship, and infection control practices​
  • Associating the brand with a larger purpose, emphasizing its commitment to addressing the significant threat of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) for the betterment of humanity​
  • Measuring the reach, engagement, and effectiveness of the said education on the doctors and nurses​



  • Ethosh brainstormed and designed an engaging game depicting a war between bacteria and humans, with the goal of educating users about AMR best practices while making learning enjoyable through gamification
  • Employed structural gamification techniques to ensure sustained user engagement and designed it as a progressive web-based app, eliminating download barriers and making it omnichannel- from web and apps to event setups
  • Scalability and easy configuration using a cloud-based game platform architecture to meet various gamification needs and adapt to evolving educational requirements
  • User engagement activities captured for detailed analysis
    ​                                                                   A screenshot of a phone

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Value delivered

    • Continuous monitoring of user engagement metrics, including player count, correct answers, and completion rates, to assess the game's effectiveness in delivering the pharmaceutical company's AMR message  
    • Engaged 10k HCPs in just 3 months, which was way higher than the in-person training sessions on the said topics


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