Case studies

Create market awareness and generate leads

Written by Ethosh | Oct 20, 2021 10:12:59 AM
The client was setting up a booth at a conference focused on analytical solutions for various industries like food, pharma, agriculture, chemicals, etc. With their broad portfolio of products and solutions for various industries, they wanted to ensure booth visitors quickly get to the information they need.

Visitors to conference booths come from various industries. Showing each visitor only those products and solutions that are relevant to their needs was important.



Interactive web-based, user-driven kiosk experience where visitors can choose the industry domain they are interested in and explore relevant product offerings.



  • Increased awareness 
    of the client’s products and solutions portfolio for specific industries
  • Lead generation
    through a gamified quiz
  • Cost savings
    by leveraging the same experience at various conferences, with tweaked content

Ethosh’s scope of work

  • Create interactive web experience
  • Gamify the experience to make it fun

Ethosh blends the real and the virtual to communicate challenging concepts. From life sciences to the products of modern manufacturing. From strategy to execution. We use the latest digital tools and platforms to help you communicate efficiently and effectively: to market, to instruct and to inform. 

Ethosh works with global life sciences and manufacturing companies and has its offices in North America, Europe and India.

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